Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Well I've been hard at work getting that Lucy Challenge thing worked out (read the last post), and I'm finally able to sit and actually get something written. First things first, I'm completely behind schedule with getting those rooms done before the trip, bummer! But, I still have plenty of time, and they will be completed!

I'm mentally gearing up for my marshbird project that starts in a little over a month. Fortunately for me it looks as though some important funding is coming my way, which will actually let me get to some really great places this season (Red Slough!!!). I'm looking forward to getting out in the field again, and to be free of some of that college classwork (for at least a month!). I'll bring everyone up to speed on what's going on with the marshbird project later though.

With all the good, warm weather of late it was time to start on that garden, and spring cleanup. Fortunately that means spending some time in my backyard which I don't often do. So what's this mean to a field ornithologist? Time to find new yard birds! In between turning the compost of course.

Since I've been home the feeders have been full, so all of my neighborhood's birds are showing up again. I snapped a quick photo of some Inca Doves today. My high count this winter was something like thirteen, thus far I've had five individuals show back up. I've noticed a few other species around as well, including House, and American Goldfinches, Orange-crowned Warbler, Carolina Wren, Mourning Dove, Cardinals,Cedar Waxwings, American Robins. A few that I have seen high overhead this last week have included this flock of Sandhills heading north, as well as a Ring-billed Gull, and Red-tailed Hawk. Not too bad. I am actually thinking of keeping a yard list, I'm no lister but this kind sounds appealing to me so maybe I'll give it a shot.

1 comment:

Aunt Jo said...

Beautiful doves. I've never seen an Inca Dove around here. I've got more Mourning and Eurasian Collard doves than I can shake a stick at though.